What is your service like?  Who preaches?  Is it long?
During our worship services, we sing songs that teach us about God and the Christian life.  The primary focus of our services is a carefully prepared message by our pastor, David Neal.  Our pastor's preaching is rooted in the Bible, God's Word.  Messages are intended to encourage Christians in their walk with God by emphasizing the power of God for victorious, Christian living.  We don't want our worship services to feel rushed, but we do understand that people have other obligations.  Our services usually last about an hour.

What should I wear?
At First Baptist Church, we are most concerned, as God is, about the condition of the inner person.  External appearance is not our primary concern.  Here, we seek to maintain an atmosphere that helps us to focus on Jesus Christ.  As a guest, you will probably be most comfortable dressed in what may be called “business casual".  However, don't worry about what you wear.  We won't.  We'll just be glad you came to join us.

Will I be asked to do anything?
Please be at ease!  We will not ask you to participate in any of our service functions with which you are uncomfortable.  You will not be asked to pray aloud, sing, etc.  An offering box is located at the back of the church for participation as the Lord leads you to give.  Our only desire is that you are as comfortable as possible as our guest and free to observe first-hand what lies at the heart of our faith in Jesus Christ.

What about my children and teens?
We have various ministries for your entire family.  For each service we have a nursery for ages 0-3 staffed with caring workers.  In our 10:30 A.M. service, we have a children's church for elementary aged children during the sermon time so they can learn about God on their level.  During our 6:00 P.M. service we have various adult Bible fellowships as well as our children's Sunday School classes.  On Wednesday nights at 7:00 P.M. the adults meet for Bible study & prayer while children and teens have Kingdom Kids (K5-5th grade) and Fort Teen Club (6th -12th grade).